236 Solar panels -Consman’s environmental commitment for 2023

236 Solar panels -Consman’s environmental commitment for 2023

In line with our action plan as part of our Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER) commitment, by 2023 Consman has earmarked a portion of our annual budget for the installation of solar panels.

Thanks to this solar energy, which is clean, renewable and does not emit greenhouse gases or air pollutants during operation, in addition to significantly reducing energy costs, and thus the company’s overall operating costs, we also manage to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute, as an entity, to mitigating climate change.

With the installation and use of the 236 solar panels, located on the roof of the building and occupying more than 560 square metres, we achieve greater energy self-sufficiency of up to 118kWp and at the same time participate in the necessary transformation towards green and renewable energies that will help us to improve long-term sustainability.

This action aligns the company with global emission reduction targets and promotes a more sustainable business model. In addition, the use of solar energy can help reduce reliance on the conventional electricity grid, which in turn improves Consman’s energy resilience and service by reducing vulnerability to power outages.

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